Thursday, June 11, 2009

10 Tips for Positive Thinking

If you’re down in the dumps for disproportionately long periods of time and you find yourself blaming the rest of the world for your misery, then perhaps a change of attitude is in order. These 10 tips for positive thinking may be able to give your outlook in life its much needed overhaul. So increase your chances for a more constructive perspective with these 10 tips for positive thinking:
1. Recognize negative thoughts as they take shape and bury them before they take root. If you feel your mood darkening again, put a stop to these dangerous musings before you succumb to them. Rule your emotions, don’t let your emotions rule you.
2. Hang out with people who think positive as well. This condition can be quite infectious.
3. Just as contagious is a negative mindset. So avoid people who tend to think negatively on a constant basis. After all, who wants to hang around naysayers all the time?
4. Work out and eat right. If you look good on the outside, it’ll be easier to feel good on the inside, too.
5. De-clutter. Surround yourself only with the things you love and that make you feel good—framed family photos, favorite books, potted plants, works of art, or whatever else that’s meaningful to you.
6. If people tell you you can’t do something, take that as a challenge and prove them wrong. Chances are, they themselves can’t do it or are too afraid to try and are simply bitter about it. If you show them it can be done after all, maybe they’ll even be inspired by your success. You can be a living tip for positive thinking to them.
7. Just when you’re about to blow your top for all the seeming misfortunes that befall you, remind yourself of all your blessings instead. This practice can be very sobering, indeed.
8. Be a volunteer or get involved in charity work. Not only will you realize the sheer number of people who have bigger problems than you do, but there is also such an emotional and even spiritual high to be experienced in helping others.
9. De-stress. You’re more likely to be cranky if you’re perpetually stressed out. So get away from it all and recharge.
10. Keep it up. Getting started is easy. It’s the maintenance that’s tricky. Make a habit out of thinking positively till it becomes an indelible part of who you are.
"Follow these 10 tips for positive thinking and be successful in your search for a happier and healthier frame of mind."

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