Saturday, February 28, 2009


What you want, Winning or loosing? This is a simple question which I raised for you right now and you have to think this right here right now. I know you are just like me, who always want winning in what ever do. I want to share with you a game in which you never loose. Want to play it with me; I know you will say “YES”, I am ready to play such a game in which my winning is compulsory.

Let me start the game, take a one rupee coin. “HEAD” means you win and “TAIL” means you loose. As you toss the coin if “HEAD” occurs, it means you win the game. But if not, don’t care about it. Be positive and give again a try much more than what you earlier try to win. Again and again toss the coin till “HEAD” occurs and what you find at one point of time “HEAD” occurs and you win the game.

This is not just a game, if you follow this kind of approach in whatever you do; I assure you one thing that you always win. As an old proverb said that; “Success means winning the war, not every battle”. So from now, Think only for the best, work only for the best and expect only the best. So, from next time if you loose in anything, analyze it what went wrong and give again try for the best with more efforts than earlier.

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